From May 21 - June 25, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will mail its annual letters to individuals who may be eligible for but missing out on the Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS) and Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs). As a reminder, these letters go out to folks who—based on SSA’s benefit amount—appear eligible for these programs, but they are imprecise estimates, as SSA does not have comprehensive IRS info about other income/assets the individuals may have.


We were fortunate to receive the 2018 data from SSA (thanks to what Leslie terms “gentle noodging”) and have updated our maps that indicate where the letters are being sent at: Note: We have not received the samples of this year’s letters from SSA yet, but will update the links to these when we do (right now the page links to the 2017 letters).


We encourage you to use this data to consider your targeted outreach efforts. If you do, let us know—we like to loop back to Social Security to emphasize the value of this information!


Brandy Bauer

Associate Director, Center for Benefits Access

Office: 571-527-3911


National Council on Aging

Improving the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling

251 18th Street South, Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202 | @NCOAging



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