Good Morning,


Yesterday, NCOA received an inquiry from a volunteer attorney in Massachusetts. She’s looking for a systemic solution to a problem they’re seeing with a lot of Russian elders in the community who are on SSI but are denied SNAP. While this is a SNAP case, I thought some of you may have had similar issues when assisting clients with MSP or LIS.


Apparently, SSA has some erroneous data related to pensions earned in Russia, along one of two lines:

1. There is a pension in Russia, but the elder cannot travel in person (as required) to collect, and is unlikely to do so due to frailty, etc.; or,

2. The elder is receiving a Russian pension, but the amount that SSA reports is incorrect (often much higher than what is actually received).

Since SNAP accepts SSA data as “verified upon receipt,” these seniors are being denied SNAP.


Have any of you experience similar issues in your service areas? If so, do you have any suggestions for a systemic resolution?


Thank you for any suggestions,




Leslie Fried, JD

Senior Director, Center for Benefits Access

Office: 571.527.3992


National Council on Aging

Improving the lives of millions of older adults

251 18th Street South, Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202 | @NCOAging


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