Louisiana’s Michelle Guillory responded to our last TA call inquiry explaining that her agency has been using BINGO as a training tool to re-cap the presentation
for both the "train the trainer" sessions as well as for the Medicare eligible participant presentations. Generally, we ask a question that was covered in the training session and when answered, the group marks the card. We make sure to have multiple bingo
cards so that everyone does not bingo at the same time.
We have a BINGO card for Medicare basics as well as for the Wellness and Preventative Services. Both work really well to keep the participants engaged.
Which prompts me to ask – Is anyone else is using Bingo as an outreach or training tool? It would be great to hear Bingo experiences from across the country. Thank you in
advance for sharing.
Ann Kayrish
Senior Program Manager for Medicare
National Council on Aging
Improving the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling
251 18th Street South
Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202
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