Once again, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is mailing letters to Medicare beneficiaries across the country who, based on their SSA benefits, appear to be eligible for Extra Help/Medicare Savings Programs. These letters will begin going out this week and continue through early June. They encourage recipients to contact their local SHIP for assistance applying for these programs.


SSA has generously shared with us the data that indicates where these letters are being sent by zip code, which we have used to update our visualization tool at https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=12FoN9R_tL1VQA0p2xs0fFaP7n_X9qo3br-7joLwg#map:id=4. You can use this tool to zoom in to your area and see where there are potentially pockets of unenrolled beneficiaries; the tool also includes a sortable table that lets you look at the county and zip code level. (Word of caution: when zip codes cross multiple counties, you should count the number of letters in that zip code only once.)


While SSA does not have a full picture of a person’s income/assets beyond their Social Security benefit amount, this does provide as good an estimate as we have available regarding where large numbers of people might be under-enrolled in these programs, and encourage you to use the data to target your outreach.


In the next week, NCOA will also be publishing a press release and blog post that alert older adults to these letters and let them know they are not a scam, and that they should act to contact their local SHIP/BEC to seek assistance with screening/applying for these benefits.



Brandy Bauer

Communications Manager, Economic Security

Office: 571-527-3911



National Council on Aging

Improving the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling

251 18th Street South, Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202

ncoa.org | @NCOAging



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