I did some research on problems several of you were having with accessing the PDFs I sent through the listserv last week. It appears it may have been caused by a major Internet outage we had in our area that knocked the listserv archives/server offline.


Now, you should be able to access these files and any other previous messages from the listserv.


If you receive the daily digest and click on a link to the attachment, you may see a screen that says “Access archives with password”. The password is mippa2016. You can save this on your browser, and once entered, access all of the previous threads/attachments. If you ever think you’ve missed an email, you can go to http://lists.ncoa.org/mippa and find all of the previous messages organized by date & thread title.


You do not need to click on the left margin “account login” or any other links on the page. If you’re getting to a paid subscription page, you’ve clicked wrong! J


If you continue to have issues, please let me know!


Brandy Bauer

Communications Manager, Economic Security

Office: 571-527-3911



National Council on Aging

Improving the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling

251 18th Street South, Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202

ncoa.org | @NCOAging



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