As you all know, this coming year your clients will pay different amounts for their Part B premium based on their Medicare enrollment date, and whether they fit within the “hold harmless” category that relates to the Social Security cost
of living adjustment. There will not be one set premium amount as there has been in previous years.
Because this can be quite confusing, we’ve attempted to explain how it will work in our revised Parts A&B fact sheet, attached here. We’ve included several examples of how the Part B premiums might shake out for individuals who enrolled
prior to this year, this year, and who will enroll next year. (You’ll also find these in this afternoon’s Benefits Alert newsletter.)
If you have any questions, we’re happy to work through them together!
Brandy Bauer
Communications Manager, Economic Security
Office: 571-527-3911
National Council on Aging
Improving the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling
251 18th Street South, Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202
ncoa.org | @NCOAging