Hi friends,
I received this question from our colleagues in Idaho:
We just had our monthly MIPPA meeting, and one of the topics that came up was some issues with MIPPA outreach (i.e., what to say when promoting MIPPA, who to speak with, what points to emphasize, etc.). Some of our MIPPA coordinators
in Idaho feel that it would be highly useful if they could have tools and resources that outline talking points.
Do any of you have any talking points/training scripts that you use with your staff/volunteers on how to broach MIPPA benefits with clients? If so, please share with the network!
Brandy Bauer
Associate Director, Center for Benefits Access
Office: 571-527-3911
National Council on Aging
Improving the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling
251 18th Street South, Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202
ncoa.org | @NCOAging
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