We have just updated our Medicare Savings Program chart reflecting the 2020 poverty guidelines. This is available online at:
https://www.ncoa.org/wp-content/uploads/medicare-savings-programs-coverage-and-eligibility.pdf and attached to this email.
Note that CMS still has not published these numbers; some state policy manuals indicate that the previous year’s eligibility criteria remain in effect until March 1, so be sure to check with your state. We continue to advocate with CMS
that they should be more prompt about releasing the new guidelines once the FPLs are announced in January.
Also, we try to keep up with evolving state criteria but rely on your experience and eagle eyes to help us. We know a few states have expanded/contracted their MSP eligibility criteria and I have tried to reflect that in this document,
but if you spot any errors, please let me know
Brandy Bauer
Associate Director, Center for Benefits Access
Office: 571-527-3911
National Council on Aging
Improving the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling
251 18th Street South, Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22202
ncoa.org | @NCOAging
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