List-serv members,

Recently retiring Pennsylvania APPRISE (SHIP) Director, Darlene Sampson, generously agreed to talk with me about her experience with MIPPA outreach and the APPRISE program over the last 11 years.  Darlene shared insights on the importance of a well-coordinated network, developing partnerships, and how changes in the low-income Medicare beneficiary population has impacted program outreach efforts. 


You can listen to the recording at:


Listed below a few highlights from our conversation along several conversation place markers.  



Describe the structure of Pennsylvania’s aging network and the steps taken to ensure the network continues to work together.  (Begins at 4:02 on the recording)


PA utilizes a both a regional and county level approach to MIPPA program outreach and coordination.  Joint meeting and planning across AAA, SHIPs and ADRC ensure program coordination.  Ongoing communication and training help partners understand their role in outreach efforts and how outreach targets are established and measured.  



Talk about the past challenges and future challenges of LIS/MSP enrollment?  (Begins at 30:45 on the recording)


While partners have the flexibility to create their own outreach efforts, each year APPRISE establishes several state-wide outreach initiatives that require mandatory participation by all partners.  Each partner is assigned an outreach goal and must report on the outreach initiative and challenges reaching the goal.    The state’s recent grocery store initiative is a good example of a successful state-wide initiative.   


Additional topic discussed include: ongoing training due to community partner turnover, lesson learned with the under 65 Medicare population, the dynamic nature of outreach, social media, TV campaigns and the willingness to attempt a wide variety of outreach strategies knowing that some may miss the mark.  



What past Center for Benefit Access resources have proven to be the most valuable to you and your network? (Begins at 52:30 on the recording)

For me, the most valuable webinars are those that feature fellow grantees sharing their outreach initiative and resources.  It is beneficial to ask questions directly to the individuals who was responsible for developing and executing the outreach initiative or created a new resource, template or fact sheet.  The most valuable NCOA resources are the fact sheets that provide information on program income and resource requirements that I can print out and have on hand.  The easy search feature on the NCOA website means that any resources is just a few clicks away. 


The Center for Benefits Access thanks Darlene for her years of dedicated service and appreciates her taking the time to share her knowledge and lessons learned.  Darleen good luck on your next chapter.


Ann Kayrish

Senior Program Manager for Medicare

National Council on Aging

251 18th Street South

Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202



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